Friday, July 11, 2008

Interesting Things from Other Blogs

1. Barbara Davis, of "The Serenity Room," has posted "Why Do I Blog?" If you've been considering blogging, you'll find some good reasons to do so here:

2. Sharon Lippincott, of "The Heart and Craft of Lifestory Writing," offers an interesting writing challenge for International Happiness Day (it was July 10). Give it a try.

3. Check out and comment on a new blog by an 83-year-old who lives in Arizona. It's "Darlene's Hodgepodge."


Pat's Place said...

Nice to explore some other bloggers. Thanks!

Darlene said...

Thank you so very much for putting my blog site one your post. I deeply appreciate the plug.

I just discovered it. Being new to being a blogger I am slow to learn all the tricks of the trad.